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138319 2021-09-14T21:10:20 28 [精品]
设计师: 梁启远




Dreams are colored .Dreams are blue .Dreams are white

思考 / Thinking  


Is the inheritance of culture invisible?


Where is the boundary between office space and leisure life?


diluting stereotypes, accepting conflict, burying the study,


How far is reality from the future?

 概况 / General situation of



This project is located in Wuxi. Wuxi, referred to as "Xi" in ancient times, known as Xinwu, Liangxi and Jingui, is a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province, one of the central cities in The Yangtze River Delta of China approved by the State Council and an important scenic tourist city. Zuoxi is a well-known local children's clothing enterprise in Wuxi. Their existing office space and the current development speed of the enterprise, as well as the existing employees' demands for office space have completely failed to match. The landlord came to our premises to renovate the existing office space.














诉求 / Appeal


Open the existing enclosed space


 Meet the demands of enterprise development in the next two years


Meet the office life habits of the current generation


It has artistic quality and aesthetic feeling

5. 如何打破工作与生活的界限

How to break the boundary between work and life 


Conform to organizational structure change and guide work habits change

. 蓝色 / Blue.Dream



If a color is used to represent childhood, it must be blue for customers. Blue is full of 

织梦可以解读成:编织梦想 编织希望 编织幸福 编织美好



Weaving dreams can be interpreted as: weaving dreams, weaving hopes, weaving happiness, weaving beauty

Children's clothing industry is the transmission of good happiness industry, with the mother's love for children, there are beautiful, happy, have hope, have a dream


打开 / Open




Open the originally closed space and encourage young backwater to interact and communicate more. Therefore, open the space as much as possible, and set up more communication and storm areas, as well as mobile office space. The space can be combined freely, so that the space has more possibilities and more possibilities for work 

艺术 / Run for future




A blue seems to flow from the painting, is the designer's original art, soft cloth, in the afternoon sunshine under the sun appears particularly quiet, peaceful. Let a person quiet, let a person think, more show the original spirit and corporate culture of the echo.

. 白色 / White.Dream


员工都是在爱做梦的年纪,在这么快节奏的办公空间里需要有个地方让自己慢下来,需要有自己 思考 . 沉思 . 冥想的地方。阳光是最好的装饰材料,阳光倾洒下的空间,显得格外沉静。


Employees are at a dreamy age. In such a fast-paced office space, they need a place to slow down and think for themselves. A place for contemplation. Sunshine is the best adornment material, the space that sunshine pours to fall, appear all the more calm. blue seems to flow from the painting, is the designer's original art, soft cloth, in the afternoon sunshine under the sun appears particularly quiet, peaceful. Let a person quiet, let a person think, more show the original spirit and corporate culture of the echo.


The client is a person who likes to think alone, so there is a small room at the back of her office where the afternoon sun is shining on her face, allowing her to meditate.

. 彩色 / White.Dream



Childhood dreams are colorful, can pick up the hands of the color lead to paint any beautiful things



Childhood is colorful, with warm colorful wool balls placed at the entrance, echoing the love in ZOSEE culture. The lamplight line of a few crisscross, make dimensional temperament has future feeling more. The blue wall represents the future and hope

童心 / White.Dream

员工都是在爱做梦的年纪,在这么快节奏的办公空间里需要有个地方让自己慢下来,需要有自己 思考 . 沉思 . 冥想的地方。阳光是最好的装饰材料,阳光倾洒下的空间,显得格外沉静。

Employees are at a dreamy age. In such a fast-paced office space, they need a place to slow down and think for themselves. A place for contemplation. Sunshine is the best adornment material, the space that sunshine pours to fall, appear all the more calm.



In the office space of a children's clothing enterprise, there should be children's interest in itself, and the varied and interesting space should be constructed through the sculpture placement and interesting geometric figures of the space

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