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13269 2017-08-02T18:41:09 20 [佳作]
设计师: 陈诣杰


本次设计考虑到House Of Fraser商场设计风格,故选用摩登风格黑金主色调,配以东南亚娘惹文化中的蓝色点缀。根据委托方经营需求,在设计中对灯光的使用进行优化,昼夜分两套独立的光照系统,并在灯带色温上加以区分,营造出不同的氛围。该物业套型原貌为狭长型并伴有大量斜坡,落差达到1.4米,因此本次设将客座区分为上下两层,下层整体抬高,将台阶置于室外,保证营业区域空间充足。吧台设计为环形,置于套型左侧,物业内存在两根直径400的空调冷凝水管无法移除,故使用做旧包铜装饰,与整体色调呼应.由于套型地面落差影响,本次吊顶设计灵感源自于影院剧场,三层叠加造型与地面落差呼应,形成外高内低效果,在视觉上使空间延伸,缓解套型空间不足带来的压抑感。


Considering the House Of Fraser mall design style, we adopt the modern style black golden as the dominant tune interspersed with Southeast Asia Nyonya culture blue. Based on the operation requirement of our client, we optimize the light use by dividing it into day and night two illumination systems and distinguishing them in lamp belt and color temperature to create different atmospheres. The original form of this property is long-narrow with lots slopes. The height of ground fall can reach 1.4 meter. Thus, we divide the guest zone into upper and lower levels with the lower level elevated overall and set the stairs outside the house to ensure enough space for business zone. We design a circular bar and set it left side the flat. Since there are two air-cnditioning condensed water pipes (400 in diameter) within the property which cannot be removed. We used worn-finish copper to decorate and respond to the overall tune. Influenced by the flat ground fall, we designed the suspended ceiling with the inspiration from cinema theatre. The three-layer overlaying echoes well the ground fall, which has form the effect of high in outside and slow inside. The space is extended visually and the sense of oppression brought by limited space can be relieved.

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