风格:中式风格 案例户型:联排别墅 面积范围:490平方 设计师 :张宁 设计说明 本案在500方的空间里,把国学精粹融合在大宅设计的关键点,将琴棋书画的雅致与中国文化幽静深远的意境结合。创新了一种全新的名流生活方式。 似帝王般的恢弘大气的客厅,以中式的手笔展现空间的富贵和祥和,硕大大理石山水背景与白玉,尊贵、庄重气势不凡。高端红木家具的和谐运用,让空间如同宫廷般的富有质感,错落有致,一步一景。背景墙以红木边框与青玉石展现生活的高质量。大幅山水石材背景在客厅和走廊作为背景或者作为点缀,都有着非常深刻的含义。描绘了一种古代士大夫般端严肃穆、宁静悠然的生活场景。结合室外中国式的园林造型,整体上营造了一个富有文化涵养的栖居之所:前有流水潺潺,后有山峦优雅。静室内檀香氤氲,文脉深厚,一茶一几,都如行云流水,恬淡安静。一书一画,都似古人,含蓄蕴藉,不流于俗世,不染于尘埃。一颦一笑,皆出自于生活,皆来源于本性,隐逸的富足和安宁激荡人心!花前月下,采菊篱下,舒展身心,放松灵魂,远处似隐似现的山川,如同南山的悠远,深慰情怀。 Design Description:The key point of the 500-square-mansion design is combining the elegance of the poetry and painting with the quiet and profound Chinese culture.Innovating a new celebrity lifestyle.The emperor-like grand living room, with the style of Chinese calligraphy, shows dignity and harmony of the space. The huge landscape made of marble and white jade, noble, solemn and magnificent.Harmonious application of high-end mahogany furniture creates a palace-like and high-texture space , full of picturesque scenery.Mahogany border and jade stone background wall, showing the high quality of life.Large landscape painting acting as backdrop or embellishment in the living room and hallway , has perfectly profound meanings.It depicts a solemn but peaceful scene of ancient scholar-bureaucrat’ s life.Combined with the Chinese garden style, creates a culture-relevant residence:flowing water in front, elegant mountains behind.With santal enshrouding , every part in this space likes freely flowing cloud.Every book and painting likes the courtly and reserved ancients.Every smile coming from life and humanity, will be the most pleasing inner wealth.Enjoy fabulous scenery and treat every moment of life with peace and love, stretch your mind, relax your soul, imagine the mountain shrouded by mist,feel the sense of calm and serene. |