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21821 2021-12-29T16:27:21 22 [精品]
设计机构: 栖刻建筑设计(南京)有限公司


PONYFACE is a children's photography agency. Expand your thinking from the perspective of adults, and create a romantic and harmonious space for children and their parents. This is the dream we're going to weave.



Based on the "confrontation" between us and the brand owners for many years, we have realized efficient communication at the beginning of the project: the contradiction between the total investment of the project and the high expectation value and high rate of return was immediately put on the surface, cost control was realized through design techniques, the conceptual scheme was quickly reached, and the difficulty and risk of the project were overcome together. This is the honesty we face in the adult world.



The original building structure is located in the lower space of the on-ramp, which makes the interior of the space not all the same height. I think this kind of structure will definitely stimulate the creative passion of designers. Therefore, the whole conceptual scheme is based on this basic condition.



The prologue to the dream is a mini garden that allows for the exchange of information inside and outside the space. The strip chairs connected inside and outside are the inviting gesture of the space to visitors.



At present, commercial space mostly appears in composite form. PONYFACE not only provides photography business, but also provides coffee, tea and clothing stores. We have made special treatment in the design, even if there are three bars in the space at the same time, it will not feel repeated.



The sweetest moment of the dream is revealed at the end of a corridor that extends to the interior. A conventional corridor, however, brings contrast at the end: red walls, circular pedestrian ramps, dislocation and overlapping cylinders, and the circular ramps on the second floor and the stepping stairs in the front hall, which constitute a circular path.

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  • 栖刻建筑设计(南京)有限公司
  • 江苏-南京
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